A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

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Made for fun in 48 hours for Halloween, I Wanna Be The Ghostbuster is an action platformer based on the brutal and unforgiving design philosophies of I Wanna Be The Guy

Day of the Dead (Post-jam) Changelog:

  • Fixed zombies falling "into" platforms and killing you
  • Fixed zombies teleporting backwards on death
  • Added an explosion animation for bullet collisions
  • Added screenshake
  • The energy pickup now fully restores your energy
  • Pickups can now only be picked up if you lack it (i.e. can't pickup a health pickup if you have full health)
  • Added a death sound effect
  • Updated the main font
  • Fixed the screen not flashing when hit by a melee enemy
  • Fixed projectiles changing sprites in midair
  • Added a score system


  • A/D to Move
  • W to Jetpack
  • SPACE to Shoot


  • Tudor Sandulescu: Programming
  • Wing Lee: Art
  • Music from Playonloop.com


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IWannaBeTheGhostbuster.jar 4.4 MB